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About Me


Greg Siofer was born in Poland but grew up in the city of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. He earned his diploma in Web Applications at Mohawk College and helps people in need of balance recovery through online channels. Greg is no stranger to challenging times. After a brain cyst operation left, him confined to a wheelchair, he struggled through moments of pain and helplessness before finding the determination to make the best of his situation.

Greg has written a book and earned accolades for his unique insight and crafted tales. He is the author of Getting Out: My Story Plus The Exercises And Experience I Learned That Can Help You Get Out From The Wheelchair and a recipient of the Gold Award at the Next Generation Indie Book Awards, the Silver Award from Literary Titan, and Honorable Mention at the New York Book Festival.

In his free time, Greg enjoys reading, writing, exercising, eating vanilla ice cream, spending time with his daughter and watching Netflix. He also runs a personal blog at and of course regarding information about Nairb.

THE QUESTION: DO SOME THINGS JUST HAPPEN? Won a  Silver Award at Literary Titan 2023.


For a signed copy, please email me at and include your address as well as whether you would like the book in paperback or hardcover. You will receive a quote from me.

*By Greg Siofer

2023 Copyright Greg Siofer