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“The Question, by Greg Siofer, is a captivating and enigmatic story that follows the extraordinary journey of Nairb and his wife. One fateful day at work, Nairb uncovers his incredible abilities: the power to heal, manifest objects, and even manipulate supernatural occurrences. As they strive to maintain a semblance of normalcy, they soon realize that their newfound powers come with unforeseen risks. Together, Nairb and his wife must navigate these perilous events while guarding their secret from prying eyes. This mysterious narrative is a delightful choice for enthusiasts of suspenseful and action-packed novels.

The concept behind the story is exceptionally imaginative, drawing readers into a world where the extraordinary intersects with the mundane. The characters are skillfully depicted and offer a fascinating exploration of human nature. While some aspects of the characters’ reactions could have been more realistically portrayed, the progression of the narrative, starting from Nairb’s job and its subsequent upheaval due to his newfound powers, was engaging and well-executed. Notably, when his wife accidentally shot him, the absence of immediate panic before discovering his ability to heal himself contributed to the unique and unexpected nature of the narrative. The inclusion of supernatural elements in the storyline proved to be a captivating aspect, leaving readers intrigued and wanting more. Expanding upon the origins or causes behind these powers would undoubtedly deepen the narrative’s complexity and further engage the audience.

The Question exhibits a creative premise, along with well-developed characters and a suspenseful plot, ensuring that readers will be fully immersed in the story. With interesting character reactions and a unique plot this gripping book has the potential to become an absolute must-read for fans of mystery and action genres.”

I enjoyed The Question: Do Some Things Just Happen? by Greg Siofer and, despite it being on the short side, it is by no means lacking as a book. The story was engaging and interesting with likable characters that have you laughing at their antics. Nairb and his wife Grace are both ordinary people and so I found it quite amusing to see how they handled every strange occurrence that was plaguing their lives. In the same breath, there are also darker elements to the story with a bit of mystery thrown in as well. The constant eerie feeling lurking in the background is palpable as you try to guess who is after Nairb. The book was beautifully written with a good plotline and even better characters. I found myself breezing through this book and looking forward to the next.

     The Question is an incredible and thrilling novel that will have its readers turning the pages with haste into the early hours of the morning! As I began to read The Question I immediately knew that this was going to be a captivating novel, and now that I have finished the novel, I can happily write that the book is just this! It is an intriguing, unique, and thought-provoking story unlike anything I have read before, that captivated me and hooked me with its phenomenal literature courtesy of the excellent author Greg Siofer. If you are a reader who loves being taken on a journey that will provoke your thoughts and thrill you, then you will love The Question, so do not miss out! If you need more convincing, then please continue to read my review to learn more about the stellar novel!

     The Question is a sensational novel that will take its readers on a memorable and fascinating journey from start to finish. The Question is an incredible book that will take the reader on a thrilling journey in which we meet Nairb, an ordinary man living an ordinary life who one day discovers that he has powers that manifested after several incidents. Nairb and his wife must soon navigate this discovery but when Nairb’s powers are discovered after using them and being filmed, he must evade danger and those that want to capture him and this book lovers is the short premise of the incredible The Question!

     The Question is a stellar story that had me intrigued from the very start. I love any story with an action and adventure theme, so I knew from the beginning that The Question would deliver thanks to these themes, and wow did it! The Question captured my attention immediately thanks to the fast-paced story, enigmatic characters, and thrilling plot and as I read The Question, I was honestly in awe; it was like a present was being unwrapped before my eyes, and the more the pages turned, the more excited I got for the finale!

     Greg Siofer is a newly discovered author of mine, and I have to confess book lovers that I am kicking myself for not having found Siofer’s book sooner! I am frustrated that I have not before because it has been a long time since an action and adventure book has captivated me this much! To write a good novel the reader needs to be fully immersed in the story and feel as if they are experiencing the same events as the protagonist and Siofer manages to accomplish this with his writing in The Question, so Siofer is most certainly worthy of an abundance of praise!

     Not only is Greg Siofer an outstanding writer for his ability to thrust his readers into the thick of the story, but he also is because he was able to describe all of the events that unravel perfectly! Every event and moment and even place is flawlessly described which in turn keeps the reader turning the pages!

     To conclude my thoughts on this wonderful novel, The Question is a gripping novel that is guaranteed to keep readers entertained for hours on end so I, of course, have to award the story five stars!

The Question by Greg Siofer is the first science fiction selection in Nairb’s Stories. A near accident-prone man, Nairb, discovers powers that seemed to have suddenly materialized. He confides in his pregnant wife, Grace, and she helps him realize the potential of his gift. Together, they learn Nairb can melt metal, cause disruptions with electronics, produce fire on command, shift time, and, most importantly, heal himself and others. Nairb finds himself in dangerous situations, prompting him to use his powers to benefit himself and those around him. Unfortunately, he’s caught on surveillance equipment, and it puts him and his wife in danger. After a terrible tragedy, his friend, Jim, helps Nairb as he tries to hide.

     Greg Siofer takes his readers on a wild ride as they follow Nairb through the discovery of his supernatural abilities! Anyone who has ever wanted to control their environment with their thoughts will be amazed by each new power as Nairb stumbles upon it. The story moves along at a fast pace, and readers will keep turning pages. The author hints at a possible extrasensory ability as the protagonist has a glimpse of the future. Despite intense sadness, Nairb perseveres, adding to his heroic qualities. The reader will wonder who is after Nairb and if they want to use his powers for harm. The story ends on a cliffhanger that will have readers begging for a sequel. The Question is a good novel for readers who enjoy the supernatural, magical realism, and mystery stories.


The Question - Ultimate Award Winning Book

*By Greg Siofer

2023 Copyright  Greg Siofer